Healing is not linear

Like other times before, yesterday, I experienced a resurgence of emotions from past situations that I thought I had long resolved. This prompted a deep analysis of my life and feelings. Each time this happens, I learn something new about myself.

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Facing the past

Not so long ago, I was reminded of a past I had blocked out from my memory. It brought to mind how far I've come, but also where I came from. I found it to be quite triggering, to say the least, and caused my already unsettled morning, to go further downhill. The person I was a few years ago would have been completely shaken by this encounter. However, I hadn't realised the extent of the work and the power of healing that has been invested in my life. It dawned on me that things no longer hold the same sway over me as they once did. After that, I pretty much spent the majority of the day with it being forgotten about.

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Let's talk wellness

Wellness, for me, involves taking care of my mental and physical well-being by pursuing activities that bring me joy and better health. I've found that when I immerse myself in activities I enjoy, it significantly uplifts my mood, alleviates life's stresses, and provides a profound sense of comfort.

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The process of finding myself

In my own process of finding and learning myself, I've encountered various phases, faced my fair share of lows, and celebrated a few highs. I've explored different aspects of life and indulged in some desires. But, in the end, I've come to the realisation:

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Simple things to do this Autumn to lift your mood

The Autumn season is here; Autumn is my favourite season because of the shifting colour of the leaves and the brown and orange shades that fill the streets. Autumn is a season that I find simple to romanticise and makes me feel like the main character in my own life.

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How midweek self-care impacted my work life

Now that I am in the corporate world, I've found that the commute can be draining at times for me, especially on my way home, and that I can feel weary after a busy day at work. However, I really wanted to come out of that state of exhaustion and feel rejuvenated and revitalised instead.

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Why did I leave my job?

At the start of the year, I was working a job that I wasn't very happy with; it was draining my creativity and was extremely monotonous and mundane, with no possibility for growth or prospects for my future.

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2023 My year of the vision board

Unlike other years, I created a vision board to visualise what I wanted my life to welcome this year and the following years. I really loved conceptualising things I would love to do and experience and putting them into pictures on a board to sum up everything that is expeditiously me, the parts of me that I want to tap into and live out in 2023.

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